
A surefire way to release fear, frustration and doubt…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

2 weeks ago I took my clients on a meditative nature walk on the property we live on during their in person retreat. We worked closely within this epic Eucalyptus grove, asking Mama Earth to heal us and reveal the wisdom she wanted for us to know.


And for the past few days in the rain, I’ve been going on the same meditative stroll, coming upon one particular tree, leaning myself up against her and directly communing with her.

I think many of us have been holding onto a collective sadness (I know I have in recent months), and have come to the realization for myself, that continuing to hold on tightly to the sadness, frustration, anger, etc is not going to serve me or anyone that I’m meant to support…

So I asked this wise and majestic tree to take away any energy in my body that wasn’t mine to hold and wasn’t serving my greatest good. 

After a few minutes of deep breathing and connecting in that way with her, I began to feel a MASSIVE shift from slightly anxious and wound up to a full on release…and that felt freaking GOOD.

Friends, remember, nature is here to help us heal. She’s here to hold and guide us…and we can receive that guidance if we allow ourselves to slow down enough to listen to her.

We gotta learn how to tune out of the abundance of external, technological noise, and tune into our internal wisdom and that of nature. To come back to communing with that which birthed us and all of life into this world. 

So this weekend, I invite you to carve out some space and time to slow down, connect in consciously with the Earth, listen to her wisdom, ask her to purify old fears, doubts and frustrations from your body, and see if you feel a shift…

Sending love your way and happy weekend dear ones!


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