
She’s coming! Spring emergence altar + ritual ideas for you…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello dear community!

The village truly matters now, more than ever…

And was reminded of that yet again last week as I led our Imbolc retreats for the women of the #soulsticesisterhood.

Women coming together in circle is SO damn good, so healing, so sweet – and here’s a taste of what we explored…

Imbolc or Imbolg – meaning “In the Belly” in Gaelic, is an ancient festival honoring the coming of light and marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

Saturday officially marked this special day, (and last night was Lunar Imbolc and the new moon) so lots of fresh energy is unfolding – and I’m personally doing a happy dance that spring is on her way!

(I know it doesn’t feel that way for many of us around the country but rest assured, she’s coming…)

This is a beautiful time of year to set strong intentions, to plant seeds and wishes and prayers for the year ahead, and to purify that which no longer serves.

Additional themes include moving forward, fresh energy, youthfulness, excitement, a beginner’s mind, faith, and trust.

Here are some ritual ideas for you to delve into during this in-between season and tonight on the new moon: 

1. Build an Imbolc Altar 

Ideas: Light a candle, write your intentions on a pretty card and place to the altar. Add in flower buds, seeds, seed starts, small plants and anything that reminds you of your youth.

*Color Ideas: yellow, white, silver, gold

2. Journaling Questions

– What seeds would you like to plant with the intention to blossom this year?

– How can you weave TRUST into your intention setting process?

– How can you infuse a sense of joy, excitement and a beginner’s mind into this new year and season?

3. Earth-Based Ritual

Plant a small plant for your Imbolc altar with your hands – infuse your dreams, hopes, wishes and prayers for the year into the soil as you plant. Take a moment to let these intentions infuse, give it love and watch it grow.

Alright, dear souls! I hope you enjoy these ritual ideas, wishing you a happy Imbolc and #newmoon and sending SO much love.

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